
It's Friday - Express Yourself!

I volunteer weekly at my local animal shelter. I have a few t-shirts with the shelter's logo on it, which I primarily wear during fundraising events for the shelter. Last fall (when it was still nice enough to get away with no jacket) I was running numerous errands one Saturday morning, and threw on one of the t-shirts to run around in. I was amazed, absolutely shocked at the number of people who stopped me to talk about my shirt. Some asked me if I worked there. Others asked me if I got an animal there. Those who had adopted animals, recalled the stories of their adoptions. One woman was struggling financially and asked if I knew a place she could get her Yorkie neutered at a reasonable cost. I explained to her that my shelter actually has spay/neuter certificates for half the cost of a regular spay/neuter, and wrote down all the information for her.

I guess it had been so long since I'd wore anything with a saying/logo on it, I never realized the impact it could have on those around me. Maybe it was just a good day. But without being obnoxious or pushy, there are ways to get a message across, or just start a dialogue with someone you otherwise would not have.

All these (and about a million others) are available here.

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